Tuesday 24 September 2013

Coffee Experiment: Extraction and Tasting

The day abruptly turned into a meaningful and fascinating one when we decided to brew ourselves a bright cup of joe, using the newly unpacked Ethopia Yirgacheffe beans which were still fresh. The brewing method we used is hand drip, with the Hario V60 dripper and paper filter. Our coffee adventure also includes the long tip kettle that we used to control the water flow which leads to a balanced extraction.

Brewing through drip brew produced a clear cup of coffee, as the sediments are trapped in the paper filter. The technique we used is by circling around the coffee ground slowly and steadily (which is to prevent overflow) and to ensure an even extraction.We tried our best to produce a great cuppa by controlling the temperature of the hot water and observing the bubbles produced attentively when the water is poured. It was absolutely a clean cup of coffee as we observed the color of the extraction that drips slowly into the coffee server.

We settled down when the coffee was served, both anxious to taste the coffee we brewed. We could smell the aroma of coffee around the space as we took the first sip of our coffee. It was considered a bright cup with a fruity (more like citrusy) taste and slight bitterness. We had slices of homemade mooncakes while we slowly drained the cup and talked about coffee with the presence of coffee music that lingered around the atmosphere.

Minutes later, we tried brewing the second extraction of the coffee using a different technique, which is pouring the hot water slowly into the middle of the coffee ground. We must be very patient and observant as we must ensure the water to seep through the coffee ground and paper filter slowly instead of pouring a large amount of hot water non stop. The second extraction was a success too, as it produced a brighter cup which we can hardly taste the bitterness of the coffee. We both concluded that the second extraction tastes more like the coffee produced through the syphon method.

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